Computer Vision inLife Sciences

Clinicians review hundreds of medical images daily, including CT scans, MRIs, PET scans, ultrasounds, and X-rays. Using AI (artificial intelligence) in the Life Sciences to highlight anomalies that require deeper inspection can increase disease detection rates and enhance healthy outcomes.

Applications of AI in Life Sciences

LandingLens enables always-on inspection and analysis of thousands of images — and it never gets tired. With very low false positives, LandingLens helps catch cases that might otherwise be missed, making it a crucial tool for advancing AI applications in life sciences.

Systematic Review

Clinicians reviewing patient scans can work in close partnership with LandingLens to help detect and review signs of disease. Trained on datasets of known conditions, LandingLens can review thousands of images looking for anomalies or diagnostic mismatches that deserve further investigation. For example, for images tagged as Pneumonia, LandingLens can identify cancer nodules that might have been overlooked at the first review.

Medical Image Triage

While many medical images provide immediate diagnostic clarity, others can be difficult to interpret. LandingLens can classify every image before clinical review, providing a triage service that prioritizes and optimizes the workload. Clinicians can attend to images that require human expertise and interpretation, while the clearer cases can be moved through the diagnostic process more rapidly, improving patient outcomes.

Biomedical Application

For a wide range of biomedical research use cases, LandingLens can accelerate image recognition, such as disease detection and diagnosis, drug discovery research, component sorting, pattern recognition and more. For example, LandingLens can recognize autosomal DNA charts, or highlight out-of-range clinical data, and handle multiple other visual tasks both at high-volume and at scale.

LandingLens Benefits for Computer Vision in Medical Imaging

LandingLens democratizes computer-aided vision by making it super-easy to configure, train, and deploy your own tailored application. The end-to-end LandingLens platform standardizes deep learning solutions, helping to cut development time, enable near-limitless scaling, and deliver rapid results using AI for Life Sciences.

Use AI Visual Support To Aid Clinicians

  • More than 80% of all hospital admissions involve one or more imaging techniques, including CT, MRI, PET, ultrasound, and X-ray. The image review workload continues to grow, absorbing significant time, and clinicians can find they have a long list of possibly thousands of cases.
  • The LandingLens platform offers a simple way to introduce AI support – using a system that never sleeps and always returns data-driven results.

Improve Patient Outcomes

  • The visual review of medical images provides an immense challenge for radiology physicians. The LandingLens platform can be trained on relatively small datasets, enabling teams to introduce solutions easily and quickly – and with high accuracy and reduced false positives.
  • LandingLens helps clinical teams to increase anomaly detection rates, particularly for early-stage diagnosis, leading to significantly improved patient outcomes.

Medical Imaging Resources

OmniAb Increases B Cell Analysis Throughput by 10x Using LandingLens

Improve Medical-Device Inspection Accuracy with Deep Learn

How to Set Up for Success in Deep Learning Development