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End-to-end Visual AI platform for training and deploying vision models

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Visual AI Tools & APIs

Agentic Document Extraction, Object Detection and Code Generation. Visual AI tools and APIs for developers.

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End-to-end Visual AI platform for training and deploying vision models

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Visual AI Tools & APIs

Agentic Document Extraction, Object Detection and Code Generation. Visual AI tools and APIs for developers.

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Free to get started, pay as you scale.


$0 /month

Best for exploring
1,000 credits per month

  • ย  Unlimited Projects
  • ย  Image labeling
  • ย  Model training
  • ย  Cloud inference
  • ย  1 active project for model downloads


Contact sales for pricing

  • Check
    Take your models offline. Download your models for commercial use with
    LandingEdge and Docker.
  • Check

    Customer success. Receive enterprise-level support to solve your
    most difficult computer vision problems.

  • Check
    Security and compliance. Get access to enterprise security with our SOC 2-compliant stack.
  • Check
    Volume discounts. Deploy your production models and scale with reduced

* Visual AI tools and APIs – including Agentic Document Extraction and Object Detection, and Code Generation, pleaseย contact usย for pricing inquiry.

What's Included Free Enterprise
Create organizations Unlimited Unlimited
Invite users 3 Custom
Create Projects Unlimited Unlimited
Role/Access Control
Data Management
Unlimited Projects
Unlimited Classes
Up to 10k images per project
Image Annotation
Import Labeled Images
Agreement-Based Labeling
Meta Data Management/Tags
Model Training
Model Training
Snapshot (Versioning) Unlimited Unlimited
Visual Prompting
Advanced Training
Model Deployment
Docker App
Unlimited Cloud Model Deployments
Active Project/Download Model 1 Download - Noncommercial Use Starting at 5
Security & Access
Private Projects
Community Support
In-Product Support
Customer Success -


What are credits?
Credits are a form of currency on the LandingLens platform and can be used for training a model or running inferences (for example, through the Predict functionality).
In the free plan, there is a 1000 maximum credit usage each month.
What can I spend my credits on?
Credits can be used for training models or making predictions. A credit is equal to 1 image trained or 1 image inferenced (used for prediction).
For example, with a 1000 credit package you can:
  • Train a project with 200 images. This will cost 200 credits and leave you with a remaining balance of 800 credits.
  • Test 10 images using the Predict function by dragging and dropping images into the Predict window. This will cost 10 credits and the remaining balance will be 790.
  • Deploy the model to a cloud endpoint and begin sending images to the API endpoint. Each image sent to the endpoint will cost 1 credit.
  • For Custom Training, changes in the settings will impact the cost of each image trained and inferences.
What if I go over my allotted credits?
In the free plan, you will not be able to run a training or inference once you reach the 1000 credit limit.
Do credits rollover at the end of the billing cycle?
Credits do not rollover each month for the free plan.
What's the difference between commercial and noncommercial use?
“Noncommercial” means not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
What is an Active Project Download and how does it work?

Active Project Downloads โ€“ when purchased, a project in LandingLens allows a user to download models for use with LandingEdge, Docker (container-deploy) or alternative deployment options

  • As provided in an Order Form, an organization can be allocated a number of active projects eligible for download during the subscription period depending on their plan.
  • โ€œProjectโ€ is defined in LandingLens and shall mean the task of investigating a specific solution or use case resulting in a model.ย  A Customer may fine-tune multiple versions of the model for that project.
  • A user can then activate a project through LandingLens which will in turn unlock the feature that allows the user to download any models for an unlimited number of times in the active project in question during the subscription period.
  • Subject to the license provisions of the Master Services Agreement or equivalent (MSA), Models downloaded pursuant to an Enterprise MSA may be used by the subscriber for Customerโ€™s commercial purposes.
  • Once activated, each project is deducted from the available number of active projects purchased.
  • If a project is deactivated during the subscription period, then that project will not be automatically reactivated upon renewal of the subscription and the deactivated project will not count against the active projects available in the subsequent, renewed subscription period.