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Detecting Pools from Outer Space

Whit Blodgett

AI is having an immense impact on all aspects of life. In particular, we’re seeing companies and governments utilize vision AI to successfully build end to end vision systems that streamline painful processes. For example, in August 2022, the French government used AI models and satellite imagery to find and tax undeclared pools throughout the French countryside. Using LandingLens you’re able to quickly train and deploy models like this. Check out the video below to see how you can build your own satellite image pool detection app. Want to try it yourself? Scan the QR code below and count pools in the sample images.

Try this App on Your Phone

Scan the QR code to spin up the app. Then, take photos of these images in the app. The model will run inference and instantly show the results!

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Try this App on Your Phone

Scan the QR code to spin up the app. Then, take photos of these images in the app. The model will run inference and instantly show the results!