LandingLens Deep-Learning Software Cracks Complex Steel Inspection Code CASE STUDY Download Case Study Data-centric workflow increases inspection accuracy by more than 20% ย Manufacturers in many industries rely on visual inspections to detect critical defects during...
Accelerate AI Adoption FEATURE GUIDE Download Feature Guide LandingLens and our AI Guide LandingLens is the only end-to-end visual inspection platform that enables computer vision engineers to seamlessly train, test, and deploy deep-learning models to edge devices....
Redefining Quality Control with AI-powered Visual Inspection for Manufacturing WHITEPAPER Download Whitepaper The Evolving Industrial World At the end of the last century, the availability of cost-effective computing and digital cameras led to mainstream adoption of...
Frost and Sullivan Best Practices Awards REPORT Download Report Inspection, identification, and assembly are some of the key tasks performed during theentire industrial manufacturing process, and machine vision techniques are increasinglyused to verify these...