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Discover the Future of Quality Control with Our PCB Component Detection App

Whit Blodgett

Are you tired of manual inspections to find missing components on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)? Check out our sample mobile app on this page – just scan the QR code and try it out on the provided sample images.

Want to build a QR app of your own? Simply sign up for LandingLens, upload and label some images, train a model and finally deploy it to our cloud hosted endpoint. Check out our full QR App building walkthrough for more information. Want to build something a little more complex? Head over to the LandingLens SDK and rapidly build end-to-end vision systems tailored to your specific needs. For instance, you could set up real-time alerts for your manufacturing QA team whenever the model detects a high-confidence missing component. The units can also be tagged digitally with metadata, and our OCR capabilities can pull the lot number for tracking down defective items later.

Try this App on Your Phone

Scan the QR code to spin up the app. Then, take photos of these images in the app. The model will run inference and instantly show the results!

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Try this App on Your Phone

Scan the QR code to spin up the app. Then, take photos of these images in the app. The model will run inference and instantly show the results!